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In verbinding
met de Geestenwereld

Kom thuis in je natuurlijke staat van zijn


Wil je jouw contact met de ongeziene wereld verdiepen om hun aanwezigheid te kunnen voelen en hun taal leren te verstaan? 

In deze basiscursus neem ik je mee in de bijzondere wereld van communicatie met gene zijde.

Image by Milad Fakurian


"Communicatie met de geestenwereld is een heel natuurlijk iets. Helaas is het niet te vergelijken met een telefoongesprek die je van a tot z zonder interrupties kunt volgen. Was dat maar waar! Hun taal is veel subtieler.

In deze drie dagen ga je veel leren en ontdekken. Niet alleen wat betreft de communicatie met de geestenwereld, maar zeker ook wat deze verbinding voor jou kan betekenen op het persoonlijke vlak.

Buiten het delen van mijn kennis, handvatten en oefeningen, hoop ik je ook mooie, verrijkende ervaringen mee te kunnen geven waar je met verwondering en met een glimlach aan terug kunt denken."


In de Basiscursus Mediumschap leer je;

  • De afstemming om je met de geestenwereld te verbinden

  • Discipline, zodat je er zeggingschap over verkrijgt

  • De energie en aanwezigheid van de geestenwereld te herkennen

  • Theoretische kennis

  • Via welke wegen de geestenwereld kan communiceren;

  • Hoe dit bij jou binnenkomt

  • Hoe je hun taal omzet in feitelijke informatie

  • De informatie die je ontvangt door te geven aan een ander

  • Een boodschap mee te geven die van waarde is voor de ontvanger verkregen uit het bewijs

  • Tekens van de geestenwereld herkennen die voor jou persoonlijk bedoeld zijn

  • Thuiskomen in je natuurlijke staat van zijn

  • Werken vanuit Flow




Deel I : 14 september

Deel II : 12 oktober

Deel III : 9 november

De cursussen vinden plaats in HARDERWIJK

Tijd : 10.00 - 16.30 uur

Maximaal 12 personen!

TARIEF: €261,- All in Inclusief Koffie & Thee | Exclusief Lunch 

(Het is mogelijk om in drie termijnen te betalen €87,- per deel)

Would you like to gain more knowledge of how intuition works for you personally? How can you use your intuition better for yourself? Do you want to strengthen your psychic abilities and learn how to distinguish the two from each other? Do you wish to connect more with the spirit world and take the first steps towards interpreting their language? 

Then the triptychs ' Give your intuition a voice'  and
' In connection with the spirit world'  will be an ideal combination. They flow smoothly into each other. In the triptychs you will be trained in both intuitive and mediumistic areas. You will  undergo an exciting development and will gain a lot of knowledge. An important part includes to master what you have learned to keep your feet firmly on the ground without losing sight of its wonder.

* When you have completed both triptychs you have laid a nice BASE from which you can follow the more specialized day workshops. 
* If you already have experience in the field of intuition and mediumship, it is possible to register directly for one of the day

The groups consist of a maximum of 12 participants.

 Courses and day workshops take place in The Netherlands 

Would you like to organize a course or day workshop in your area. Please send an email to: so we can work it out.

Self-development, training, self-discipline, enthusiasm, talent and positivity are important aspects to successfully develop the art of intuition and mediumship. If you run into any problems within the courses, please know that a safe environment
is created where you can be yourself. Solutions are also offered to overcome any blockages.


'In connection with the spirit world.'

Boogmuur met gordijn

The attunement Mediamiek - IV

In part IV you will learn to tune in to the spirit world. From there, you take the first steps within mediumship, under supervision. Clairsentience plays an important role in this part. It is the basis for creating a beautiful connection. You will learn to feel whether there is a man, woman or  child with you from the spirit world, what relationship there is with the recipient and the character traits he or she had here on earth. Furthermore, in this first lesson you will work in a natural way, so that the energy can flow freely. 

Ontwerp zonder titel.jpg

Spotlighting the Evidence - V

Evidence is important in mediumship. This way the recipient knows who it is. The message therefore reaches the right person. Evidence can be understood to mean: hobbies, way of death, work, birthday, specific physical characteristics, etc. On this day all paranormal senses are used, so that more depth can be created within the evidence. How beautiful it is if you can place the deceased in such a way that the recipient no longer has to doubt his or her presence.


The Message - VI

In this part, apart from the evidence, we mainly work with the message. Evidence is not only used to prove the survival of the soul. A deceased person may choose to pass on some specific piece of evidence to imply that he or she knows that the recipient is in a similar process. When that energy is picked up, a loved one can feel close again. The 'hidden' healing message behind the evidence is what you will tackle in this last part. 

Time: 10am - 4.30pm

Rate: €257 all in | Payment in installments possible

Lege Gebedsruimte

Why  Manon teaches intuition, mediumship and healing?


  "It is my passion to make people feel the energies with which intuition, communication with the spirit world and healing go hand in hand. Once you have experienced this, you want nothing more than to take this energy with you and use it in your daily life. Also the enrichment that it brings on a personal level is so huge."


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CoC: 65287916

Vitringasingel 3
3841 ET Harderwijk
The Netherlands

© 2024 Dari Cinta - Intuition Mediumship Healing

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