Demonstratie Mediumschap
Tijdens een demonstratie mediumschap zal het medium zich afstemmen op de geestenwereld. Vervolgens worden er korte contacten gemaakt, bewijs geleverd zodat de overledene herkend
kan worden door de ontvanger en zal het contact worden afgesloten met een persoonlijke boodschap. In tegenstelling tot een privé consult wordt hierbij gewerkt voor een grotere groep mensen.
" Elke keer is het weer een wonder met de spirituele wereld te werken. Het is een wereld vol vreugde, kracht, licht en liefde. Het is mijn passie om hun gave op het gebied van healing, communicatie, kennis en wijsheid te mogen doorgeven."
Demonstration Mediumship
During a demonstration mediumship, short contacts are
made with the spirit world. It is the spirit world that decides
who is contacted during a demonstration. So no spirits are "called up."
The process cannot be influenced.
In the contact that arises and the evidence that will be given our loved ones have
the possibility to share their energy and give the information they want to give to us. Using
it not only for the proof of survival but also to lift up the energy and bringing consolation to the
grieving soul.
Evidence is, for example, the relationship to the recipient, specific character traits, cause
of death, important dates, shared personal memories and other life experiences they have had on earth.
In addition to these evidences, healing can take place. Such as unfinished business that maybe needs attention.
After some explanation there is more understanding for what has happened on earth. Also expressions of
gratitude towards the recipient can be something really important for a loved one in the spirit world to share
with the recipient when there was no possibility to expres that on earth anymore. These moments of sharing experiences have a huge healing effect for both the recipient and the deceased. They can provide
comfort in grief, but also often provide joyful and sometimes downright funny moments of recognition.
Our deceased may no longer be part of our existence in physical form, but they still are
able to share their thoughts, memories and emotions with us and will always be there to support us with a big
heart full of love. and understanding.
When I get through sensitive or confidential information, I will not just share it in the group. However, I will
make it clear in a subtle way that more is going on, or has played. Usually the recipient knows exactly what it is
about, without any details being released. Should there be the need to delve deeper into the subject it can always be done in a private consultation.
Data Demonstratie Mediumschap
Vr 20 december 2024
Soy Bewustzijn
Xenonstraat 156 Almere
Manon Arnold & Montse Gómez Start 20:00 uur, inloop vanaf 19:30 Entree: 15 euro, inclusief 1 gratis introducé & koffie/thee. Contant te betalen bij de ingang. Montse is medium, geeft cursussen mediumschap en bewustwording, trainer in transformatie processen en is eigenaresse van het centrum Soy Bewustzijn.
Vr 24 mei 2024
Arthur Conan Doyle Centre
25 Palmerston Place Edinburgh
Manon Arnold & Kitty Woud An evening of mediumship offers connection with Spirit and assurance that our relationships, our love and our light endure eternally. Join us to be part of the wonderful energy that an evening of mediumship creates. There may be a message waiting for you.
Ma 22 april 2024 | Online!
Arthur Conan Doyle Centre
25 Palmerston Place Edinburgh
Manon Arnold & Joan Frew
Time: 7.30 - 9.00 pm UK time | 20.30 - 22.00 uur
English Spoken
Vr 12 april 2024
Soy Bewustzijn
Xenonstraat 156 Almere
Manon Arnold & Montse Gómez Start 20:00 uur, inloop vanaf 19:30 Entree: 15 euro, inclusief koffie/thee. Contant te betalen bij de ingang. Montse is medium, geeft cursussen mediumschap en bewustwording, trainer in transformatie processen en is eigenaresse van het centrum Soy Bewustzijn.
Vr 29 maart 2024
Arthur Conan Doyle Centre
25 Palmerston Place Edinburgh
Manon Arnold An An evening of mediumship offers connection with Spirit and assurance that our relationships, our love and our light endure eternally. Join us to be part of the wonderful energy that an evening of mediumship creates. There may be a message waiting for you.
Ma 4 maart 2024
Schoolstraat 11
Manon Arnold Spirituele Vereniging De Horizon. Tijd: 20.00 - 22.00 uur in Buurthuis 'De Schakel' Gratis Parkeergelegenheid